Fairfield Community Orchard, Lancaster
Thousands of volunteer days are given each year by community-minded individuals who want to enhance their local park, woodland, cemetery or street. See below for a list of greenspace groups we are aware of in the Lancaster district. Some groups are large and well established, others consist of a few friends meeting informally. All greenspace groups are different, our definition is that they enhance land for more than private benefit, on a voluntary basis.
What they have in common, is an appreciation of the value of enhancing their urban space - for beauty, edible produce, wildlife and the joy of enabling nature to flourish. Working with other like-minded volunteers builds trust and friendships, reduces stress and strengthens community.
If you are thinking of joining a group, check out the list below. If you are thinking of starting a new group, Lancaster City Council has produced a guide to setting up a Friends group, which can be downloaded from their website here. You can also contact Lancaster Green Spaces directly, we are happy to help. Lancaster District CVS also have volunteering opportunities - see their website
What they have in common, is an appreciation of the value of enhancing their urban space - for beauty, edible produce, wildlife and the joy of enabling nature to flourish. Working with other like-minded volunteers builds trust and friendships, reduces stress and strengthens community.
If you are thinking of joining a group, check out the list below. If you are thinking of starting a new group, Lancaster City Council has produced a guide to setting up a Friends group, which can be downloaded from their website here. You can also contact Lancaster Green Spaces directly, we are happy to help. Lancaster District CVS also have volunteering opportunities - see their website
Greenspace groups in the Lancaster district, with website or email links
Other organisations running greenspace projects - most have volunteer opportunities
Lancaster Incredible Edible Lancaster
Lancaster Piccadilly Garden Lancaster Claver Hill Community Farm Morecambe Transition Morecambe Silverdale The Woodlands Rural Centre Lune valley Lune Valley Beekeepers |
Various Lune Rivers Trust
Various Lancaster Beekeepers Various Butterfly Conservation Various Lancaster & District Conservation Volunteers Various Lancashire Association of Village & Community Halls Various North Lancashire Wildlife Trust |