Equipment Loan
Equipment for social events
Lancaster District CVS has display and public PA equipment, more details on their website here. Lancaster Green Spaces has a market stall 3.0 x 4.5m with four sides. Also a Burco water boiler that runs off a gas cylinder (supplied), plus unbreakable mugs, teapot etc. If you are interested in borrowing these for an event, please contact us. A loan agreement form can be downloaded below. Litter picking equipment Lancaster City Council, Environmental Services department have about 20 adult and junior litter-picking tongs which they keep for lending out for community litter-picks. Also yellow vests, bags, sharps boxes and gloves. To arrange to borrow these from the White Lund depot, call George Taylor on (01524) 582435 Lancaster Green Spaces owns 10 adult and 8 child-size litter picking tongs and we are able to lend these, together with a sharps box and gloves for small events. We usually have rolls of pink City Council bags as well Tools for practical activities Lancaster Green Spaces has a petrol-powered brushcutter/ strimmer. Also the following hand tools for loan:
Free compost - did you know that your group can have a load of compost delivered free from Lancashire County Council, made from the green waste they collect? They do need to ensure that their vehicle can get good access though. Full details and an application form can be downloaded from